Welcome to Virginia Pathology and Autopsy Services. Our staff of dedicated medical professionals include board-certified Anatomic/Clinical Pathologists, Dr. Maritza Romero-Gutierrez and Dr. Ralph DeSimone, that have decades of experience in general surgical pathology, oncologic pathology and autopsy pathology and are driven-by and committed to providing compassionate and quality services.
The loss of a loved one is one of the most difficult times for a family. It is a time of strong emotion, uncertainties and feelings of helplessness. Sometimes the circumstances of death are clear and unambiguous, answers are forthcoming, and the process moves forward. Healing and recovery can begin. Yet in other cases, whether the loss is sudden or expected, the surviving family may experience guilt or may have doubts about what has happened. They often experience unfamiliar feelings, including a desperate need for answers to help with closure.
An independent autopsy provides cause and manner of death, and answers any remaining questions. Virginia Pathology and Autopsy Services provides caring physicians who clearly and compassionately communicate with the survivors. This alone can provide relief and comfort. Autopsy findings provide the answers needed to clarify unsettling questions. Informed decisions can then be made and family members find themselves more able to look to the future.
Whatever unresolved question a family has about their loss, Virginia Pathology and Autopsy Services has the expertise and commitment to help them find the answers they seek and the closure they need.
Virginia Pathology and Autopsy Services Director: Maritza Romero-Gutierrez, MD
P.O. Box 304
Locust Grove, VA 22508
CONTACT: Stephen DeSimone, Autopsy Manager
Email: VirginiaAutopsyServices@gmail.com
Phone: (703)725-7979 or (540)935-1146